Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health


Hello Fellow Caboodlers!  Welcome to Wellness Wednesday.  Today, I am writing on mental health.    Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health.  We all know people that struggle with anxiety or depression.  You can go to your Primary Care doctor and have a conversation with him/her and be prescribed a medication that will help you tremendously with that condition.  You can also seek therapy for help with anxiety or depression which is widespread.

If you are older, you probably remember someone in your family who most likely suffered from a form of anxiety.  It was almost always hidden in the family or it was dealt with by drinking a bit.  In my family, you were told to ‘deal with it’.  In today’s world, with a wide ranging set of problems that we did not have 25 years ago such as: terrorism, financial pressures, the  lack of quality employment, healthcare, the collapse of morals, and social bullying,  the young people today are left with a myriad of issues to deal with.  Please pay close attention to those around you that you love.  If you start to notice signs of disinterest, lack of hygiene, or excessive sleep, have a conversation with them.  There is help available.  You can start with their doctor if they are under the age of 18.  If they are older, you can contact a local therapist and inquire about an involuntary commitment or if your area has a Psychiatric hospital call it.  I live in PA and here it is called a 302.  This varies from state to state and even county to county.  To have someone involuntarily committed, you must be able to prove that they could harm themselves or someone else.

The best advice I can give to you is to intervene early, be positive and to have patience.  That is hard.  But, if the person you are helping is your child, or a close relative, seeing them through this difficult time will be rewarding.  I was once very cavalier about the subject of mental health.  I will take this seriously in the future.  Remember, our young people are our future!  We must nurture them to protect it.    Stay well mentally and physically!

